It takes a village to save a species - Field Reports
Caesar, FFN Award winner of 2017 and CEO of Creative Conservation Alliance has come all the way from Bangladesh to tell us!
This event has passed
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Van Hall Larenstein (Velp) University of Applied Science
Larensteinselaan 26-A, 6882 CT
Snacks and drinks will be provided. Please bring your own cup!
About Event
We're starting the year off with an exciting event in Velp! Shahriar Caesar Rahman, FFN Award winner of 2017, is in the Netherlands and will give a lecture on his efforts to protect nature in Bangladesh.
Caesar is a conservation biologist. He's the co-founder of the Creative Conservation Alliance, which is an NGO dedicated to ecological and cultural preservation within Bangladesh's last remaining wild places. By empowering local people to become stakeholders in their own land, Caesar and his team manage to effectively protect Bangladesh's wildlife. Join the lecture to learn all about this!
We'll email you the lecture room upon sign-up.